
Itallowssafelyrunningnativecodefromawebbrowser,independentoftheuseroperatingsystem,allowingwebappstorunatnear-nativespeeds,whichaligns ...,DownloadGoogleChrome,ifyoudon'talreadyhaveit.SubscribetotheDevchannel.LaunchGoogleChromefromthecommandline,adding--enable-nacl.OnMacand ...,Introduction.NativeClient(NaCl)isasecuresandboxforrunninguntrustednativemachinecodeintheChromebrowser.NaClprogramshav...

Google Native Client

It allows safely running native code from a web browser, independent of the user operating system, allowing web apps to run at near-native speeds, which aligns ...

How to enable Native Client in Google Chrome

Download Google Chrome, if you don't already have it. Subscribe to the Dev channel. Launch Google Chrome from the command line, adding --enable-nacl. On Mac and ...

Introduction to Portable Native Client

Introduction. Native Client (NaCl) is a secure sandbox for running untrusted native machine code in the Chrome browser. NaCl programs have special restrictions ...

Native Client

2021年6月23日 — Native Client was a sandbox for running compiled C and C++ code in the browser efficiently and securely, independent of the user's operating ...

Native Client

Google Native Client(縮寫為NaCl),是一個由谷歌所發起的開放原始碼計劃,採用BSD許可證。它採用沙盒技術,讓Intel x86、ARM或MIPS子集的機器碼直接在沙盒上運行。

Native Client SDK

2013年4月17日 — Native Client is an open-source technology for running native compiled code in the browser, with the goal of maintaining the OS portability ...

Native Client SDK

Native Client SDK examples, showing API use and key concepts. Native Client is an open-source technology for running native compiled code in the browser ...